Zen's outside toy box...swales and berms that I made during a session of hole diggin' therapy |
Originally planted this oregano by seed at our other house...this is it's third location |
There's four strawberry plants in there...I promise |
Trinidad pepper seeds are hopefully germinating in that spiral...2.2 million scoville...hottest pepper currently on the planet...at least officially |
Bee Balm in it's second year of growth...it's already doubled in size this season |
Another hole diggin' session |
The Hugel bed |
The next series of pics are all from the Hugel bed.
Hugel Bed |
One of the many pepper plants growing in the Hugel Bed |
Borage |
Blue Berry |
There is Dill in there... |
See the Dill |
A volunteer gourd along side a strawberry plant |
I'm standing on the top of the hugel bed in a grassy patch...the grass seed came from the horse manure that ended up in a compost pile I used in constructing the hugel bed...at least it ain't Bermuda |
Another pepper plant |
Lavender |
I think lavender is an amazingly beautiful plant...I can feel the energy from that plant when I'm near it |
Pepper hugging the pepper plant I was trying to photograph |
That's all of the pics I took from plants growing in the hugel bed, and there are a lot more plants in there.
a bunch of hills with tomato, corn, zucchini, black beans, cilantro, cucumber, and gourds |
Corn, zucchini, black bean guilds |
Dent corn...the type of corn used for making tortillias |
My little vixen in the hugel bed lookin' for strawberries to eat |
This last year's chicken run that was attacked by my shovel during several hole diggin'/earth movin' sessions |
Red Potatoes growing in a spiral along with red corn |
watemelon |
black eyed peas, crook neck squash, and cucumber |
This was the best soil right near the entrance to the run...it's a big swale now cause I used the perfect chicken shit soil to make the hills |
cucumber |
hard to see the corn still, but it's to the left of the taters growing on the other side of the swale in a spiral as well |
here you can see the corn |
Archimedes and his bitches |
I threw down a handful of scratch and within 10 seconds Archimedes had all of his hens on location |
Inside the salvage chicken house |
Eggmahal which is made out of 1969 airstream wood...my chickens got mahogany pillars to go with the chicken shit |
Arkansas Traveler mater plant |
You seem to have a natural gift for planet hugging. It looks 'real' and hopeful. Congratulations on your new baby and a tickle to your middle baby and a hello to your babe!
thanks anonymous internet avatar ;0)
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